Many streets in 21st century cities are from 10% to 80% overly partitioned by concrete medians. Some medians enhance guidance to the drivers and deconflict well, yet others block cross traffic from expediting toward destinations. A major initiative is to log ideas for the city of Aurora, Colorado, herein. In time I (Patrick) plan to discover streamlined contacts to county and city repair services, some of whose staff might enjoy projects of surveying and reconsidering some large swaths of medians, to grind shorter, dig up, or slightly realign.
Department of Motor Vehicle sign systems, colors, fonts, and standards could use drastic revision and consideration. I plan to repeatedly and doggedly, off and on, draft new ideas, post them here, rescind them, send some ideas to city services for reality issues I might at first be unfamiliar with, and continue morphing until possibly something could be improved, albeit with smart quality assurance and user/driver testing.
10AM to 12 noon opening times restrictive. After year 2020 hours reductions, could improve with reversals and better flexibility.
Holidays, especially fall and winter holidays, could use latitude unrestricted from tight hour traditions on many such days. The issue is not just government, but momentum of businesses/stores.
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